sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and other Information Workers


Librarians all over the world are well aware of their profession's ethical implications. In more than 60 countries library associations have developed and approved a national code of ethics for librarians.
Related professions like archivists and museum professionals do have international codes of ethics. For many years ICA (International Council of Archives) and ICOM (International Council of Museums) have developed, endorsed, and maintained their international codes of ethics for archives and museums respectively, but until now IFLA and librarians did not have a similar document.
During 2011 and 2012 a working group from FAIFE drafted and consulted extensively on a draft international code of Ethics for librarians. Hundreds of comments from IFLA Members and Non-Members were received to the draft, and a final version was prepared for the endorsement by the IFLA Governing Board. The IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and Other Information Workers was approved endorsed in August 2012.
The Code is presented in two versions: a long, comprehensive version, and a shorter version for quick reference.
Note: The working group consisting of 5 members from 5 countries who are members or former members of the FAIFE committee : Loida Garcia-Febo, Anne Hustad, Hermann Rosch, Paul Sturges and Amelie Vallotton).
FAIFE has collected nearly 40 codes of ethics for librarians from around the world. They can be accessed here: "Professional Codes of Ethics for Librarians".
